Back for Vengeance, Just As Intended

May 06, 2019

So, I’m back from my long blogging hiatus. I took a break primarily to focus on my law degree, trust me there will be more hiatus coming up. The second part of my long break is because, I can’t blog about anything, I haven’t been out, I was not able to respond to sponsors, and I’ve made a lot of life changes (but more on that later) which means, me not being able to do all the aforementioned stuff, equals no content.

For me to be able to continue giving out content, I need to re-adjust my future articles to fit my current lifestyle, and hopefully not interfere with my pursuit of a law career. Here are the new sub articles that you might come to expect in the years to come.

Going back to the roots of why this blog even exists, Men Style. i must admit I had a good 2-3 years where I just let myself go, and some of you might think Im being overly dramatic, but that period in my life destroyed my self esteem BIGTIME, I guess it’s true what they say “If you look good, you’ll feel good” The Gentleman Series explores everything relating Men Style such as; Fashion, Grooming, Etiquette, and Hacks.

I’ve always been fat, since I was born till now, although there was a time I actually got skinny, but anorexia is to blame so that doesn’t really count. At the start of 2019 I actually made a promise to myself that Id try my best to live healthier and try to loose weight the right way. This is a series of articles which follows my journey in doing so. Now I ain’t “there” yet, my target weight is 70kgs, Im currently at 80kgs, starting from 120kg. I wanted to do this so the people who’d like to give it a try can join me in my fitness journey. It will contain, tips, guides, of things that have worked for me and are still working for me.

I’ve recently had a taste for the finest things in life, but don’t exactly  have the finances to back it up. Inspired by my favourite blog ever, The Sosyal Network, and NO, Im not going to copy what they do as their brand of comedy is something only they can pull off. What it is are life tips, guides and etiquette to maximize what you have and live the best sosyal life that you can without [hopefully] breaking the bank. It takles finances, dealing with social dynamics, organizing events, and hacks every Yuppie should know.

This is a look at my life as a House Husband. As some already know, I’ve been taking tasks that a normal house husband does, and people ask me how I do stuff at home given my very busy schedule. So, This subdivision of Sky’s Not The Limit dives into hacks, tips, guides, life stories and recipes? I don’t know yet. I’ll make it up as I go.

Anyway, I’ve seen the stats and  read the emails. I'am forever thankful that despite my absence people are still reading my articles. I will continue to provide quality articles that hopefully everyone will enjoy. Watch out for my uploads soon.

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